Learning Design

As the world of work is changing rapidly so are the ways we can design learning to support performance.  Our understanding of how people learn has increased so we can design learning processes more effectively.  There is an increasing trend to self-directed learning using workplace learning and recognising that learning is part and parcel of work - and life!

* Do you have a strategy for learning, which supports the business needs and integrates training provision and workplace learning?
* Are you getting best value for learning?  Can you reduce costs of training and increase learning?
* How can you introduce and sustain technical changes through designing training and learning that includes changes in mindset and attitudes not just knowledge of a new system?
* How can you provide integration in learning programmes so they combine in depth development of skills and personal insight with choice in learning methods?

We focus on working with internal HR/Training Managers and Business Consultants on learning design for learning programmes and change projects.  We work in partnership with clients in developing internal capability to design learning and offering advanced design for specific projects.  We will work with you at any stage of the process.

Our learning principles
Learning Value and Strategy Review
Learning Design for Effective Implementation of Business Change Projects
Learning Design for Development Programmes
Developing internal trainers and consultants in learning design


How to contact us

Fiona Ellis on her direct line on 01453-757989 or via E-Mail: [email protected]

Sue Abbotson on her direct line 01225-314339 or via E-Mail: [email protected]

Our main office is based at 24 Gay Street, Bath, BA1  2PD and Pauline Allsop will be happy to talk to you about enquiries on 01225-333737.

We will be from time to time publishing articles and conducting research around learning strategy and design.  If you would like to be kept in touch with our work in this area please contact Pauline Allsop via E-Mail: [email protected]

  1. Pengeluaran SDY
  2. https://ifa2020.org/
  3. https://www.hopepartnershipforeducation.org/
  4. https://www.bencomo.org/
  5. https://rvic.org/
  6. https://ladiosabuenosaires.com/
  8. https://www.bathconsultancygroup.com/
  9. https://climateinternational.org/
  10. https://www.tadmc.org/
  11. https://www.innvision.org/
  13. https://www.eccsit.org/
  15. https://www.la-boissaude.com/
  16. https://www.runnertriathletenews.com/
  17. https://www.lesfilmsbiographiques.com/
  18. DATA SDY
  19. https://www.shepherdoftheridge.org/
  20. https://www.musindioufu.org/
  21. Togel Hongkong
  22. https://everstribute.org/
  23. https://cosac-ndt.com/
  24. https://www.ederna.com/
  25. https://civicinnovationni.org/
  26. https://www.prattkan.com/
  28. https://www.paganconference.com/
  29. https://francejpo.com/
  30. https://elk-mountain.com/
  31. https://www.globalteachinginsights.org/
  32. https://hwsevents.com/
  33. https://www.wildfireprograms.com/
  35. https://www.basharesearch.com/
  36. https://casori.org/
  37. https://www.tvemf.org/
  38. https://greatrough.com/
  39. https://www.nuitsdesarenes.com/
  40. https://www.tgssa.org/
  41. https://escapadesetflaneries.com/
  42. https://www.austenquotes.com/
  43. https://www.pahcs.com/
  44. https://www.galileoenrichment.com/