Self-assessment Questionnaire for Supervisors

This self-assessment questionnaire affords you the opportunity of getting some 360° feedback from supervisees, peers, tutor and supervisor.  Each person is asked to rate each area of skill on a one to five scale.  To create some common understanding of how to use this rating scale the following definitions are offered:

1.                  professional learning need - don't know how to do this

2.                  personal learning need - know how to but unable to make it happen

3.                  sporadically competent - occasionally do it fine

4.                  consistently competent - this has become part of natural way of doing things

5.                  role model for this - can teach it to others

    Download:  Self-assessment Questionnaire for Supervisors 67 Kb

Further reading on the above can be found in Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy: Supervision and Development by Peter Hawkins and Nick Smith - Chapter 12 - Core Skills and Capabilities.



Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Useful Coaching Sites

Centre for Supervision and Team Development 
Coaching at Work 
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